Student Internet Safety

Many students have or will have a cell phone soon with Internet access. They are able to search any topic unless parental controls are established. Taylor WiFi has established controls so students cannot search freely on their chromebooks and cell phones. Our students' curiosity along with uncontrolled and unmonitored Internet access means they can find inappropriate topics such as pornography, chat rooms, and adult content including drugs, alcohol, and violence.

Cell phones have access to social media apps that aren’t meant for students under the age of 13 years old. Our school, as well as all other schools, have challenges with social media bullying. Students have already learned how to create anonymous accounts where they make memes of others in order to embarrass them and to spread rumors. These anonymous accounts are almost impossible to shut down and to determine who created them.

Visit Common Sense Media and their links to prepare yourself and your child(ren) for this access.

Other links:

Safety Issues

Many students have cell phones or smart watches that are often given to students in an effort to stay in communication before and after school. However, the use of the cell phone during school hours that is not pertinent to learning creates many unnecessary challenges. I will share with you a few of the challenges it brings for students to use smart devices and social media platforms.

Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying does present itself at Taylor and this is a challenging task to handle. Social media platforms are designed for those who are often 13 years and older. We are here to support, but we all must understand that the use of social media is a family decision and sits with the parents and guardians to manage. We often hear the response, “it’s the school’s responsibility to ensure my child is safe at school”, so I ask that you partner with us by monitoring your child’s electronic devices, social media platforms, text messaging, etc. One way to assist the school is to not allow your child on social media apps. Students have made derogatory and sexual comments on social media platforms specifically regarding Taylor students. These accounts are created by Taylor students outside of the school hours, but it negatively impacts our students on an individual basis and collectively in their learning environment. 


Students give Shout Outs to people on social media which turn into direct conversations to organize a deal. With the unknown person on the other end of the DM (direct messages), students organize a meet up spot, drop the money and return later to pick up the product. Others meet up in person, sometimes in a private or secluded location to purchase tobacco or cannabis. These meetings tend to occur before or after school and the dangers of this behavior are extensive. 

Nude/Risqué Photos/Sexual References

This is a hard one to accept, but it is known to occur as early as middle school. It has been reported across the country that about 70% of girls have sent out their nude or risque photos by 11th grade and about 40% of middle school girls have sent out risque photos. The best way to stop a nude photo from going around is to not send one in the first place. In this instance police would be involved. This is considered child pornography and can result in a misdemeanor or felony for underage students. 

Moreover, AI (artificial intelligence) also lends itself to easily generate a nude photo through the use of a simple photo a classmate or friend had taken. Even AI-generated images will result in police involvement and it can change everyone’s life.

With the increased exposure to pornography, students are using more derogatory language with specific references to sexual acts between ​students. Students may not be aware of what they are actually saying, but ​trauma still occurs. ​

Expectations at Taylor

The expectation at Taylor is that all cell phones and smart devices are turned off and put away at 8:30 AM and can be turned back on at dismissal. Many students are very successful in meeting that expectation. Bullying in any form is not tolerated. 

The Role of Parents and Guardians

Smart devices and social media platforms are a slippery slope. This family decision to allow your child to have a smart device or have social media accounts have many negative implications in and out of school. Please take the time to build a positive, open, and honest relationship with your child. Please do not think, “Not my kid.” Start the conversation.

Thank you,
Erin Zlatunich